Spanish-Dutch Artist Set to Marry AI Hologram, Ushering in a New Era of Human-Robot Relationships

Alicia Framis, a Spanish-Dutch artist, is gearing up to tie the knot with an AI hologram named AILex this summer, marking a groundbreaking moment in the realm of human-robot relationships.

The Unconventional Union

The AI hologram, AILex, has been trained using the profile information of Framis’ previous romantic partners, as revealed in a press release from the artist’s publicity team.

The wedding ceremony is scheduled to take place at the Depot Boijmans Van Beuningen Museum in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

Unique Ritual and Molecular Food

The ceremony promises to be a unique event, featuring a special ritual symbolizing the union between a human and an avatar.

Guests will be treated to “molecular food that can be enjoyed by both humans and humanoid entities,” according to the press release.

Custom Designs by the Artist

Framis, who will play the dual role of artist and bride, is personally designing her wedding dress as well as the attire for the wedding guests.

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A New Generation of Love

Describing the event as heralding a “new generation of love,” Framis envisions a future where humans engage in relationships with holograms, avatars, and robots.

Questions and Reflections

Despite the wedding’s artistic nature, Framis raises thought-provoking questions about the dynamics of a union with a holographic partner.

She muses on the practicalities of joint accounts and insurance coverage, likening the process to financing a new car.

A Companion for Companionship

Framis emphasizes the potential benefits of AI companionship, suggesting that holograms and humans could offer a fulfilling relationship for those seeking companionship.

Pioneering the Way

Claiming to be the first woman to marry a hologram, Framis has previously shared videos of her interactions with AILex, including cooking and eating together.

The wedding between Alicia Framis and AILex represents a significant step forward in the exploration of human-robot relationships, raising intriguing questions about the future of love and companionship.

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