Top 10 African Kings Names for Boys – Africa Facts Zone

Here are the top 10 rundowns of African kings’ names for young men names roused by extraordinary African rulers, and a little about their beginnings and importance.

African Kings Names: Shaka

Shaka Zulu s one of the African kings names for boys.  He is the most well-known of all the local Zulu people.

Shaka had an extraordinary vision to join the whole Zulu Kingdom in the last part of the 1700s, and he is thought of as the best of Zulu rulers consequently.

He is known for progressions in military strategies and weaponry utilized by Zulu troopers, with a specific spotlight on the renowned Zulu lances and safeguards.

The short-cutting lance was known as “Assegai”, and the bigger safeguards he concocted could shield his regiments from approaching lances being tossed at them.

Because of these developments, his military turned into an exceptional and dreaded battling force, and in the end, he figured out how to finish his vision of joining all of the Zulu Kingdom in South Africa.

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African Kings Names: Mansa Musa

Mansa Musa one of African Kings names, was a leader of the Mali Empire who was marvelously rich: In his time, he was assessed to have a value of $400 billion in the present money.

This makes him the most extravagant man in history to at any point walk the Earth. Mansa essentially signifies, “Lord”, and “Musa” signifies Moses in Arabic.

Yet, just from his extraordinary abundance, you can Mansa Musa was a long way from a normal lord.

During his rule – from 1312 to 1337 – he extended the impact of the Mali Empire to envelop Timbuktu, Gao, and Djenne and was subsequently viewed as a greater amount of an Emperor than a lord.

In any case, besides these extraordinary military victories, Mansa Musa was a fabulous mediator, financial specialist, and money manager, and amassed his fortune through Mali’s colossal supplies of gold, salt, and ivory, which were the primary wares for the greater part of the world’s exchange during that time.

Mansa Musa likewise made a colossal armed force that additionally went about as a police force. It policed all the shipping lanes for his organizations.

He was likewise instrumental in establishing colleges and libraries in Timbuktu, the structure of castles and mosques all through the realm, and with everything taken into account, the Malinese Empire prospered subject to his authority in every aspect of schooling, riches, and business, as well as the military may and law and order.

He is likewise well known for his excessive journey to Mecca, where a staggering 60,000 orderlies followed, conveyed, and safeguarded him while he sat upon an incredible brilliant chariot the entire way. “, has incredible and strong importance.


Ramesses signifies “Brought into the world of Ra” and it is one of African Kings names. Ra was the powerful Sun-God, respected over all others, as the incomparable leader of the Egyptian Pantheon.

Ruler Ramesses II is by a long shot the most popular of the Pharaohs to take this name, and he was the third Pharaoh of the Nineteenth Dynasty in Egypt.

He is known as “Ramesses the Great”. He had a very long rule for the times, from 1279BC to 1213BC, administering for quite a long time. Indeed, even by the present norms, this is long for a ruler to rule.

Ramesses II was known for driving a few military endeavors into current Syria and Iraq (the Levant), and he recovered the domain of Canaan for Egypt, too striking as far south as Nubia, which untruth sin cutting edge Sudan.


Tenkamenin one of African Kings names is the best lord of Ghana who ruled from 1037Ad to 1075AD.

He is known specifically for beginning the gold shipping lanes across the Sahara, which lead to expanded business all through the mainland.

All things considered, his Kingdom turned out to be extremely rich.

Yet, dissimilar to numerous different lords at that point, he was not fixated on storing up a fortune to the detriment of the least fortunate individuals he governed over.

He was quite cherished for this by his kin and had a feeling of equity to the degree that he made a sort of discussion for his kin to raise concerns and issues, yet additionally stand by listening to them on how they figure the issues ought to be settled, prior to offering his guidance and passing regulations and decisions.

The name Tenkamenin is remembered to decipher generally as “Ruler of Ghana”.

Also Read: 10 African Names of African Divine Beings 

African Kings: Imhotep

Imhotep was an Egyptian who was a chief guide to lord Zoster in the Kemet’s third line.

Depicted by some as perhaps of the most underestimated king in Africa, Imhotep was an all-around virtuoso, particularly for the time. He was a model as an engineer, stargazer, physicist, thinker, and writer.

His structural creativity progressed to the point that he was behind all the extraordinary plan works and designing tasks that occurred in Egypt, including the step pyramid and the Saqqara complex.

His accomplishments were so incredible they acquired various titles and praises.

Notwithstanding all that, he is likewise accepted to be the writer of the well-known book, Edwin Smith Papyrus:

This is a book with north of 90 galactic terms with 48 mending processes for various wounds.

As a demonstration of his inheritance, he was given the name Ascelipius, which proficiently means “Medication God”.

From certain perspectives, his burial chamber actually lies in Memphis and is said to fix any disease a traveler takes there. Imhotep signifies “The person who comes in harmony” in Ancient Egyptian.

African Names: Haile Selassie

Scarcely any African rulers have at any point had such an impact on the world as Haile Selassie, who was the Emperor of Ethiopia from 1930 up until 1974.

He was the last ever Emperor in Ethiopia before it turned into a popularity-based republic, be that as it may, he guaranteed he was an immediate relative of King Soloman and the Queen of Sheba, and consequently was loved by quite a few people as the forecasted manifestation of God, from the Bible.

This led to the cutting-edge Rastafari development who considered him to be a manifestation as God.

The Rastafari development was made well known through reggae performers like Bob Marley, and today has around 500,000 individuals, a significant number of which live beyond Ethiopia in the Caribbean.

Haile Selassie signifies “Light of the Trinity”.

African Names: Osei Kofi Tutu

Tutu lead the strong western African realm of Ashanti, from 1660 to 1717, over an area of what is presently advanced Ghana.

He was known as a rich and strong ruler and was perhaps the earliest ruler in Africa to overhaul his military with guns.

The wellspring of abundance for Tutu came from exchanging huge salt and gold stores found in their district across the customary African exchanging courses.

Tutu was at first the head of a little Akan city-state, called Kumasi.

Nonetheless, after some time he rose in unmistakable quality and joined any remaining Akan bunches under the scandalous “Brilliant Stool”:

The Golden Stool was considered to contain the heart, soul, and force of all the Ashanti public.

He figured out how to overcome a few adjoining states in his time, and extended to Ashanti’s power in the district essentially.

This went on until the British came and requested the Ashanti surrender the Golden Stool to them, so the British could guarantee power.

This blew up decisively for the British, nonetheless, in light of the fact that they didn’t completely grasp the meaning of the Golden Stool, and that the Ashanti accepted it contained the actual soul of their kin.

Subsequently, this in the end leads to the incomparable “Battle of the Golden Stool”. Today Osei is a famous name in Africa.

African Names: Oba Oduduwa

Oba Oduduwa is viewed as the pioneer behind Yorubaland and the Yoruba Dynasty, who are today quite possibly of the greatest ethnic gathering in Africa.

To the Yoruba, he is a people legend and thought about a God inside their way of life.

His beginnings and spot of birth remain covered in secret, and nobody is very certain when precisely he established Yorubaland and the language.

Notwithstanding, he lead his group to the lower locales of Nigeria and crushed a few existing settlements to lay out Yorubaland.

In the legends actually told today by the Yoruba public, he had 16 children and girls, and before he passed on he sent everyone to different focuses of his vanquished regions to manage them with absolute independence.

They were said to have established the Kingdoms of Ila Orangun, Owu, Ketu, Sabe, Popo, and Oyo. Oranmiyan then, at that point, laid out the Yoruba dynastic family line starting there onwards.

Also Read: Black Kings And Black Queens Who Ruled Parts of Europe For Almost 700 Years

African Kings: Sonni Ali

Sonni Ali is one of the African Kings names also called Sonni Ali Ber (signifying “Ali the Great” in Arabic) – was the head of the biggest Muslim West African Empire ever, called the Songhai Empire, between the fifteenth and sixteenth hundred years.

Sonni was viewed as a strategic virtuoso in every single military undertaking and is known for driving the biggest settler success in West Africa.

Well somewhat revolutionary, he utilized the land and/or water capable of fighting (potentially the very first on the planet to utilize this sort of fighting) and his powers would assault and watch down the Niger River.

The Songhai Empire outperformed even the Great Mali Empire subject to Sonni’s authority, with it retaining the Mali domains, including the incredible city of Timbuktu.

He was subsequently liable for Islam spreading all through two of his urban communities and provincial regions during his rule.

Hannibal Barca

Actually no, not the man-eater from the film “Quietness of the Lambs”! Hannibal Barca was a scandalous military pioneer from Carthaginian, who verged on terminating Rome, the core of the soul of the powerful Roman Empire at the hour of his rule (247BC – 183BC).

Hannibal was known for driving a military on the backs of extraordinary elephants.

He is still right up to the present day thought about one of the best military administrators ever, and his strategies are concentrated on still even right up today at military institutes across the world.

In spite of the fact that he was in the long run crushed by the Roman Empire, he got back to Carthage a legend, and was in this manner chosen as the most elevated designated official in Carthage around then, with the title “Office of Suffete”.

Despite the fact that Hannibal has habitually been depicted as a white man in films, computer games, and TV Shows, he was as a matter of fact a black man, demonstrated by the reality of exhumed coins with his figure upon them uncovered the similarity of a person of color.

Today the name Hannibal is still very famous in both Africa and outside it.

Colonel Gaddafi named his child Hannibal Muammar Gaddafi, and Hannibal Valdimarsson was a popular Icelandic lawmaker who kicked the bucket in 1991.

The name Hannibal signifies “Kindness of Baal” (Baal signifying “Ruler”), in Phoenicians.

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