Benin RepublicCameroonCôte d’IvoireEquatorial GuineaMaliSenegalTogoTunisiaWest Africa

French Speaking Countries in Africa – Africa Facts Zone


French speaking countries in Africa were colonized by France during the scramble for Africa and after a delayed stay in the mainland.

The colonized countries embraced the colonizers’ language as the authority language this is the motivation behind why there are a ton of French-speaking African nations.

French Language in Africa

French is the world’s fifth most communicated language in the world and all because of the large numbers of Africans who speak the language every day.

Africa contributes 47.7 percent (143.1 million) to the French-speaking population. This is more than 45.7 percent (137.1 million) of the entire of Europe and France with a populace of 67.12 million.

As per a new report by the Organization Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF), There are More French Speakers and french speaking countries in Africa than the whole OF Europe.

The report added that somewhere in the range of 2010 and 2018, 22.7 million people speak in French and 68 percent of these extra French speakers live in sub-Saharan Africa.

22% live in North Africa, 7% dwell in America while Europe houses only 3% of the 22.7 million speakers.

French Speaking Countries in Africa

These are the best french speaking countries in Africa.

1. The Democratic Republic of the Congo

DR Congo is one of the french speaking countries in Africa. French is the authority language of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

As per a 2014 OIF report, 33 million Congolese individuals (47% of the populace) could read and write in French.

2. Republic of the Congo

The authority/official language of the Republic of Congo is French. French is spoken by 30% of the Congolese populace.

3. Côte d’Ivoire

There are around 78 unique dialects spoken in Ivory Coast yet the authority/official language of the republic is French, making Ivory Coast one of the french speaking countries in Africa.

French was introduced during colonial time and served as the most spoken language in the country.

4. Madagascar

Malagasy and French are both the authority dialects of Madagascar.

In the primary public Constitution of 1958, Malagasy and French were named the authority dialects of the Malagasy Republic.

French is for the most part communicated as a second language.

5. Cameroon

The authority language of Cameroon are French and English

French is by a wide margin the most spoken language in Cameroon.

There are roughly 250 different languages spoken by Cameroonians.

6. Burkina Faso

Burkina faso is one of the french speaking countries in Africa and the authority language is French. It was presented when France colonized Burkina Faso in 1919.

French is the chief language of authoritative, political, and legal establishments, public administrations, and the press.

It is the main language for regulations, organization,s and courts. French is additionally the language of instruction in the country’s schools.

7. Niger

Niger has 11 authority dialects, with French being the authority/offical language.

According to Wikipedia, 20% of Nigeriens are educated in French, and, surprisingly, 47% in urban communities.

The French language is the language utilized by the official organizations, the media, and the local business.

8. Mali

Mali is one of the french speaking countries in Africa. It is a multilingual country. With north of 80 dialects, Of these, French is the authority language.

French was introduced during the colonial era and was the authority language at independence. It is utilized in government and formal training.

9. Senegal

There are around 78 distinct dialects spoken in Senegal, and french is one of them. French was introduced from the colonial era, is the authority language of Senegal.

Senegal is likewise a part State of the Organization internationale de la Francophonie.

10. Benin

Benin Republic is one of the french speaking countries in Africa with a total of 55 dialects and 50 being native.

One of those langauage is French  and it is the official language Benin Republic since independece. Today it is the most spoken language in Benin.

11. Togo

Togo is one of the french speaking countries in Africa and the official language is French.

The language was acquired from the time of French order rule over togo. It was then made the offical language at independence.

12. Guinea

There are 40 unique dialects spoken in Guinea but French is the official language. It is utilized by 15 to 25% of the populace.

13. Djibouti

The dialects of Djibouti incorporate Afar, Arabic, Somali and French. Albeit Arabic and French act as the official dialects.

Somali and Afar are the most spoken languages. Around 17,000 Djiboutians speak it as a first language.

14. Chad

Chad has two authority dialects, French and Modern Standard Arabic, and over 120 native dialects. Of the two authority dialects, French has the most speakers in Chad.

15. Equitorial Guinea

Tropical Guinea is a nation situated on the west bank of Central Africa and it is one of the french speaking countries in Africa. The nation has two offical dialects, Spanish and French.

Spanish is the offical language since 1844 and it is the language used in educational and organizational settings.

16. The Central African Republic

The Central African Republic is a landlocked country in Central Africa and it is one of the french speaking countries in Africa.

There is a sum of around 72 dialects in the country. In any case, the authority dialects of the Central African Republic are French and Sangho.

In 2005 it was assessed that 22.5% of the populace could communicate in French (that number unquestionable necessity gone up at this point).

17. Seychelles

Seychelles is an archipelago country in the Indian Ocean and one of the french speaking countries in Africa.

The nation has three authority dialects, English, French, and Seychellois Creole.

French and English are the official dialects alongside Seychellois Creole, which is principally founded on French. Seychellois is the most communicated language in Seychelles, trailed by French and English.

87% of the populace speaks Seychelles Creole, 51% communicate in French, and 38% communicate in English.

18. Comoros

Comoros is an island country in the Indian Ocean and one of the french speaking countries in Africa.

Comorian, Arabic, and French are the authority dialects of Comoros.

Arabic is commonly known as a subsequent language, being the language of Quranic instruction. French is the regulatory language and the language of all non-Quranic formal instruction.

19. Rwanda

Rwanda is a country in Central Africa and perhaps of the smallest country on the African central area.

Kinyarwanda, English, French, and Swahili are the official dialects of Rwanda.

Kinyarwanda is the public language while English is the language used in secondary and universities. French, which was introduced by Belgium in 1916 remained an official language after independence in 1962.

20. Burundi

Burundi is a landlocked country in East Africa and one of the french speaking countries in Africa.

The authority dialects of Burundi are Kirundi, French, and English, with Kirundi recognized formally as the sole national language.

French plays a significant part in government, business, and the informed classes yet just somewhere in the range of 3 and 10 percent of the populace communicate in the language fluidly.

21. Mauritius

Mauritius is an island country in the Indian Ocean off the southeast shore of the African mainland.

English and French are normal languages of Mauritius, as they are the dialects of government organization, courts, and business.

The constitution of Mauritius is written in English, while certain regulations, like the Civil code and Criminal code, are in French.

22. Gabon

Gabon is a country on the west shore of Central Africa and one of the french speaking countries in Africa.

French is the nation’s only official language. 80% of Gabon’s populace can communicate in French, and 30% of Libreville occupants are local speakers of the language.

23. Mauritania

Mauritania is one of the french speaking countries in Africa.

Arabic is the official language of Mauritania. It is used in the media and in schools.

24. Algeria

Algeria is a country in the Maghreb locale of North Africa and one of the french speaking countries in Africa.

Algeria is the second-biggest Francophone country on earth.  But French has no offical status in Algeria because of politics.

25. Tunisia

Tunisia is a country in the Maghreb locale of North Africa and one of the french speaking countries in Africa.

French is definitely not an authority language, yet it assumes a significant part in Tunisian culture.

26. Morocco

The Kingdom of Morocco, located Maghreb, North Africa. It is one of the french speaking countries in Africa.

As per a recent report by the Government of Spain, 98% of Moroccans spoke Moroccan Arabic, 63% communicated in French, 43% Amazigh, 14% communicated in English, and 10% communicated in Spanish.

27. Egypt

The really main dialects taught in schools in Egypt are English, French, German and Italian.

In 2009-2010 around 6,000,000 individuals learned French in Egypt, and this number expanded to 8 million in 2013. Starting around 2014 most people in Egypt utilizing French have concentrated on it as an foreign dialect in school.



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