Business AfricaMauritiusWorld

Mauritius: One of The Best Investment Opportunity Destination in Africa


Mauritius, most popular for its impeccable white sea shores, sugar creation, has developed into perhaps of the most modern economy and best investment opportunity destinations in Africa.

There are key factors that make a country an appealing investment environment, this incorporates a favorable tax system, advanced banking system, low inflation, and a decent area.

As per the 2019 World Bank Report, Mauritius positions thirteenth out of 198 nations on the world for ease of doing business..

The World Bank obviously expresses that the nation offers a straightforward, serious, and appealing climate for organizations to flourish.

As a matter of fact, the Island of Mauritius is positioned number one in Africa for its pro-business policies..

Likewise, Mauritius has been compared to Singapore, the main land and business center point in Asia by the financial times.

Since being compared to Singapore, this has set Mauritius in very high respect by financial backers.

With this multitude of realities, there is no question that Mauritius is a likely goldmine for foreign investors and organizations because of its monetary and worldwide business competitiveness.

Also Read: How to do Business Planning & Business in Africa By Alexander Forbes

How Mauritius went from being a holiday spot to a investment mecca in only over 10 years.

Simplicity of Doing Business Makes Maurituis One of the Best Investment Opportunity Country In Africa

As the years progressed, the Mauritian Government have established an interesting and cordial business climate to draw in neighborhood investors and foreigners.

Having a favorable to business climate, Mauritius makes it simple for you to start a business account in addition to various tax cuts.

This makes Mauritius a safe house for people who need to begin a business in Mauritius.

Mauritian tax planning advantages incorporate no capital increases charge.

No legacy, riches or gift charge; a standard 15% individual expense rate; and no trade control.

Corporate expense is set at a pace of 15% or lower, a CSR duty of 2%, a land move expense of 5%.

And no tax collection on capital increases and profits.

This makes it simple to work any element without powerful tax collection and fines for not paying or recording returns on something similar.

Best Investment Opportunity: Location

Mauritius: One of The Best Investment Opportunity Destination in Africa

Mauritius vicinity to South Africa gives the country a conspicuous benefit, as South Africa stays Africa’s foremost business hub..

Mauritius is likewise impeccably situated on the way from Asia and the Middle East to the tip of Africa.

This makes it ideal for expansion into Africa, and furthermore from Africa into the remainder of the world.

Worldwide brands, for example, Samsung, Broll, NBA and Expedia have set up workplaces in Mauritius.

One organization that has for some time been following the capability of this island heaven is The Business Exchange (TBE).

A regarded South African overhauled office space supplier.

As of late TBE sent off a remarkable investment opportunity for South Africans hoping to get their cut of the island pie.

Beginning at US $36 500 (about R530 000), investors can buy sectional title overhauled office space, oversaw by TBE, in Mauritius.

“With this contribution, TBE is focusing on investors looking to buy property in an extraordinary, high-development resource class.

Moreover, it offers support against the Rand in an area set to see steady and unsurprising development says David Seinker, organizer and CEO of TBE.


The New World Wealth evaluated Mauritius as the most secure country in Africa, as well as the richest country on the landmass on a per-capita premise.

Mauritius is a financially and monetarily sound climate, with current framework and a refined financial framework.

Also Read: Top 10 African Country with Gold Reserve

Best Investment Opportunity in Mauritius

Here are a portion of the worthwhile areas you ought to consider while anticipating beginning a business in Mauritius.

  • Monetary administrations, including bookkeeping, examining, and monetary interview
  • Agro-business
  • Accommodation and property advancement
  • Medical services and clinical travel
  • Distribution and logistics services
  • Data innovation
  • Hydroponics and Seafood handling
  • Renewable energies and the environment
  • Manufacturing



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