Egypt Muslim Brotherhood: What is the Muslim Brotherhood

What is the Muslim Brotherhood?
Following the fall of the Ottoman Empire and the consequent outlawing of the caliphate form of governance that had unified the Muslims for centuries.
Hasan al-Banna, a 22-year-old elementary school teacher, established the Egypt Muslim Brotherhood as an Islamic revivalist organisation in 1928.
Al-Banna based his beliefs that Islam was more than just a religion on the principles of Wahhabism, sometimes known as “Islamism,” and he added jihadia training to the male students of the Society’s conventional Islamic education.
Over the following 20 years, Egypt Muslim Brotherhood expanded as a popular movement, incorporating not just politics but also religion and education through the Hizb Al-Ikhwan Al-Muslimoon Party.
It accused the Egyptian government of being complacent toward “Zionists,” supported the Palestinian side in the conflict with Israel, and began committing acts of terrorism inside of Egypt, which prompted the Egyptian government to outlaw the organization.
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Egypt Muslim Brotherhood Assassinations
On December 28, 1948, a Muslim Brother assassin killed Mahmud Fahmi Nokrashi, the Egyptian prime minister. In Cairo in February 1949, government operatives murdered Al-Banna personally.
Egypt Muslim Brotherhood was once more given legal status by the Egyptian government in 1948, but only as a religious institution. However, because the Brotherhood claimed that shari’a law rule Egypt, it was once more outlawed in 1954. (Islamic law).
Attempting to kill Egyptian President Nasser in 1954, Brotherhood militant Abdul Munim Abdul Rauf was murdered along with five other Brothers.
Additionally, 4,000 Brothers were detained, and many more escaped to Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Syria.
The Brothers made three additional attempts to assassinate Nasser after he granted them amnesty in 1964 in the hopes that their release would reduce support for the newly founded Arab Socialist Union party.
In 1966, the Brotherhood’s leading officials were put to death, while several more were put behind bars.
Anwar-as-Sadat, Nasser’s successor, promised the Brotherhood that shari’a would be adopted as Egyptian law and freed all Brotherhood prisoners.
However, the Brothers lost faith in Sadat after he signed a peace treaty with Israel in 1979, and four Brotherhood members assassinated Sadat in September 1981.
Egypt Muslim Brotherhood has been legally outlawed by the Egyptian government since 1954, despite winning 17 seats in the Egyptian Parliament while standing as an independent.
They also occupy significant positions in a number of prestigious Egyptian professional groups.
Over 70 Muslim Brothers branches throughout the world are currently connected by a very intricate financial network.
For more than seventy years, Egypt Muslim Brotherhood have gone through cycles of expansion, followed by splits into factions, including violent jihadist organizations like al-Jihad and al-Gama’at al-Islamiyya in Egypt, HAMAS in Palestine, and mujahideen groups in Afghanistan.
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Muslim Brotherhood Leaders
Mohamed Badie is the head of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and is presently serving many life terms in jail as well as a death sentence for a number of different offenses.
Which nations are Egypt Muslim Brotherhood engaged in?
There are parties that can be termed Muslim Brotherhood offshoots in a number of Arab nations besides Egypt, the organization’s birthplace, as they were motivated by the key principles of the MB philosophy.
These include the Islamic Constitutional Movement in Kuwait, the Ennahda party in Tunisia, and Hamas in Palestine.
The Islamic Action Front, one of the major political blocs in the Jordanian parliament, is one of the political wings that represents the Muslim Brotherhood in that country.
After the 2013 Egyptian coup, it formally severed connections with the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood. The Minbar is the name of the Muslim Brotherhood’s political branch in Bahrain.
Although it was Islamist in origin, the Salafi movement in Egypt took its own course in a number of political events, including the 2013 removal of President Mohamed Morsi by the Egyptian military, providing evidence that not all Islamist groups are MB.
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In which nations is the Muslim Brotherhood referred to as a “terrorist organization”?
Egypt, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Syria, the United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia are the nations that have so far designated the MB as a “terrorist organization.”
Why are the Muslim Brotherhood despised by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates?
Saudi Arabia’s leaders supported Egypt’s harsh crackdown on Muslim Brotherhood supporters in 2013.
The kingdom classified Egypt Muslim Brotherhoodas a “terrorist” organization in March 2014.