Inventions of African Americans – Africa Facts Zone

Arica Facts Zone presents over 100 inventions of african americans that the world would not known or have if it weren’t for Black inventors.
Inventions of African Americans
Folding cabinet bed
In 1885, Sarah Goode became the 1st Black woman to get a US patent. She moved to Chicago and opened a furniture store. It was there she came up with an industry changing idea that brought more urban occupants with limited space into her store.
Potato Chips
George Crum was working as a chef at a resort in New York. A customer sent his dish of french fries back to the kitchen, claiming that they weren’t good. In an irritated fit, Crum cut the potatoes as thinly as possible, fried them until they were burnt crisps, and threw a generous handful of salt on top. Thus, the chip was born.
Inventions of African Americans: Gas Mask
Garrett Morgan developed one of the inventions of african americans what he called the safety hood after noticing how many firemen were killed by smoke at work. The hood, which went over the head, included tubes associated with wet wipes that filtered smoke and gave new oxygen.
Protective Mailbox
Philip B. Downing created one of the inventions of african americans, a mailbox design that featured an outer door and an inner safety door to avoid parcels being stolen. This safety device allowed mailboxes to be set up everywhere.
Blood Bank
Charles Richard Drew became keen on exploring the protection of blood when he was learning at Columbia University. Drew found a strategy for isolating red blood cells from plasma and afterward putting away the two parts independently. This new cycle permitted blood to be stored for over seven days, which was the maximum at that time. Drew documented these findings in a paper that led to the first blood bank.
Improved Ironing Board
In the late 19th century, the ironing board was improved by Sarah Boone, making it one of the inventions of african americans and one of the first Black women in U.S. history to receive a patent, she created a narrower and curved design, making it easier to iron garments. Boone’s design morphed into the modern board that we use today.
Home Security System
One of the inventions of African Americans was a home security system created by nurse Mary Van Brittan Brown. She and her husband took out a patent for the system in the same year, and they were awarded the patent three years later, in 1969. Home security frameworks usually utilized today took different components from her plan.
Three-Light Traffic Light
Garrett Morgan was the first Black person in Cleveland, Ohio, to own a car. After he witnessed a severe car accident at an intersection in the city, he expanded on the current traffic light by adding a “yield” component, cautioning approaching drivers of a looming stop.
Inventions of African Americans: Refrigerated Trucks
Other inventions of African Americans was the rooftop mounted cooling framework that was utilized to refrigerate products on trucks during extended transportation in the mid-1930s created by Frederick McKinley Jones. He received a patent for his invention in 1940 and helped to establish the US Thermo Control Company, later known as Thermo King..
Automatic Elevator Doors
Alexander Miles took out a patent in 1887 for a mechanism that automatically opens and closes elevator shaft doors. His designs are largely reflected in elevators used today.
Electret Microphone
Dr. James E. West co-invented a foil electret microphone, which was less expensive to produce than the typically used condenser microphones.
Inventions of African Americans: Color IBM PC Monitor and Gigahertz Chip
You can thank Mark Dean for co-inventing the color monitor. Without his invention, we’d still be typing in a colorless interweb.
Also Read: What is African American Vernacular
Super Soaker
Summer just wouldn’t be the same without Lonnie Johnson’s invention. Johnson was an Aerospace Engineer for NASA who’ happened to invent the popular children’s toy.
Tissue Holder
Mary Davidson invented both the tissue holder while disabled from multiple sclerosis.
Inventions of African Americans: Peanut Butter
Everyone and their dog can thank George Washington Carver for the creation of the peanut butter.
Patricia Bath, an ophthalmologist and laser scientist, invented a device and technique used to remove cataracts and revive patients’ eyesight.
Automatic Gear Shift
Richard Spikes created the automatic gear shift, helping people drive up hills everywhere.
Clothes dryer
George T. Sampson created the clothes dryer in 1892.
Dust pan
Thanks to Lloyd P. Ray, we can sweep things out from under the rug.
Folding chair
John Purdy created the folding chair, which is used in picnics and school graduations everywhere.
Golf Tees
Golf was a totally different sport before Dr. George Grant came along.
Ice Cream Scooper
Alfred L. Cralle invented the ice cream scooper, allowing kids to have larger scoops than spoonfuls.
Inventions of African Americans: Lawnmower
John Albert Burr fully made over the lawnmower, bringing better traction, rotary blades, and allowed cutting closer to buildings.
Lawn sprinkler
This invention by Joseph A. Smith helped dads everywhere keep their grass green while allowing kids a fun toy to jump around in.
Inventions of African Americans: Modern toilet
Thank Thomas Elkins for your porcelain throne. Without Elkins, your bathroom breaks certainly wouldn’t be as comfortable.
The Mop
Thomas W. Stewart created the mop, which helps to ease the backbreaking labor.
Reversible Baby Stroller
William Richardson created the first baby stroller with independent wheels.
Inventions of African Americans: Drag Queens
William Dorsey Swann is highly regarded as the first drag queen in the US.
Dapper Dan took the logos of designer brands and used them for apparel, furniture, and more.
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Other Inventions of African Americans
Airplane propelling — James S. Adams
Biscuit Cutter — A.P. Ashbourne
Coin Changer — James A. Bauer
Rotary Engine — Andrew J. Beard
Car Coupler — Andrew J. Beard
Letter Box — G.E. Becket
Stainless Steel Pads — Alfred Benjamin
Torpedo Discharger — H. Bradberry
Disposable Syringe — Phil Brooks
Corn Planter — Henry Blair
Cotton Planter — Henry Blair
Street Sweepers — C.B. Brooks
Horse Bridle Bit — L.F. Brown
Horseshoe — Oscar E. Brown
Train Alarm — R.A. Butler
Image Converter
Radiation Detector
Paints and Stans — George W. Carver
Lotions and Soaps — George W. Carver
Automatic Fishing Reel — George Cook
Ice Cream Mold — A.L. Cralle
Printing Press — W.A. Lavalette
Envelope Seal — F.W. Leslie
Laser Fuels — Lester Lee
Pressure Cooker — Maurice W. Lee
Window Cleaner — A.L. Lewis
Portable Pencil Sharpener — John L. Love
Fire Extinguisher — Tom J. Marshal
Shoe Lasting Machine — Jan Matzeliger
Rocket Catapult — Hugh MacDonald
Hair Brush — Lyda Newman
Heating Furnace — Alice H. Parker
Blimp — J.F. Pickering
Hand Stamp — W.B. Purvis
Fountain Pen — W.B. Purvis
Dust Pan — I.P. Ray
Insect Destroyer Gun — A.C. Richardson
Sugar Refinement — N. Rillieux
Cellular Phone — Henry Sampson
Curtain Rod — S.R. Scottron
Urinalysis Machine — Dewey Sanderson
Player Piano — Joseph Dickinson
Arm for Record Player — Joseph Dickinson
Door Stop — O. Dorsey
Door Knob — O. Dorsey
Photo Print Wash — Clatonia J. Dorticus
Photo Embossing Machine — Clatonia J. Dorticus
Guitar — Robert Flemming Jr.
Motor — J. Gregory
Thermo Hair Curlers — Solomon Harper
Lantern — Michael Harney
Gas Burner — B.F. Jackson
Kitchen Table — H.A. Jackson
Bicycle Frame — Issac R. Johnson
Wrench — John A. Johnson
Eye Protector — P. Johnson
Egg Beater — W. Johnson
Air Conditioning Unit — Frederick M. Jones
Two-cycle Gas Engine — Frederick M. Jones
Internal Combustion Engine — Frederick M. Jones
Starter Generator — Frederick M. Jones
Refrigeration Controls — Frederick M. Jones
Clothes Dresser — John H. Jordan
Bottle Caps — Jones and Long
Electric Lamp — Latimer and Nichols
Hydraulic Shock Absorber — Ralph Sanderson
Refrigerator — J. Standard
Stairclimbing Wheelchair — Rufus J. Weaver
Fire Escape Ladder — J.B. Winters
Telephone Transmitter — Granville T. Woods
Electric cut-Off Switch — Granville T. Woods
Relay Instrument — Granville T. Woods
Telephone System — Granville T. Woods
Electro Mech Brake — Granville T. Woods
Galvanic Battery — Granville T. Woods
Roller Coaster — Granville T. Woods
Auto Air Brake — Granville T. Woods
Helicopter — Paul E. Williams
Ice Cream — Augustus Jackson
Pace Maker — Otis Boykin
Space Shuttle Retrieval Arm — WM. Harwell
Programmable Remote Controllers — Joseph N. Jackson
Video Commander — Joseph N. Jackson
According to the Black Inventors Museum, all of these were also created by Black inventors:
Serving Tray Walker