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Kenya’s Ruto Faces Resignation Calls Amid Protests


In 2024, Kenya has been a hotbed of political unrest and social upheaval. The catalyst? A series of violent incidents and alleged police brutality that ignited widespread public outrage.

With the hashtag #RutoMustGo dominating social media, the citizens of Kenya are expressing their anger, fear, and demand for justice and accountability.

This article dives deep into the events that have led to this boiling point, exploring the protests, public sentiment, and calls for President William Ruto’s resignation.

The Spark: Government Response to Anti-Tax Demonstrations

Initial Protests and Escalation

The initial protests began as a response to new tax policies introduced by the government. Kenyans, already burdened by high living costs, took to the streets to voice their dissent. What started as peaceful demonstrations quickly escalated into broader anti-government sentiment as the government’s response turned violent.

Alleged Police Brutality

Reports of police brutality surfaced, with numerous incidents of excessive force being documented. Protesters were met with tear gas, water cannons, and even live bullets.

The violence was not limited to the streets; homes were raided, and many citizens were arrested without cause. These actions sparked outrage and fear among the public, fueling the protests further.

The Hashtag Revolution: #RutoMustGo

Social Media as a Platform for Protest

In today’s digital age, social media plays a crucial role in mobilizing and organizing protests. The hashtag #RutoMustGo became the rallying cry for millions of Kenyans.

Through platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, citizens shared their stories, documented instances of police brutality, and called for President Ruto’s resignation.

Global Attention and Solidarity

The movement gained international attention, with global news outlets covering the protests and the alleged human rights violations. Activists and public figures from around the world expressed their solidarity with the Kenyan people, amplifying their calls for justice.

Also Read: Kenya Removes Visa Registration Fee for Citizens of Six African Nations

Public Criticism of Government Handling

Government’s Defensive Stance

The government, under President William Ruto, defended its actions, claiming that the measures were necessary to maintain law and order.

However, this stance only seemed to further enrage the public. Many criticized the government’s heavy-handed approach, arguing that it exacerbated the situation rather than resolving it.

Calls for Legal and Political Reforms

As the protests continued, calls for legal and political reforms grew louder. Citizens demanded an overhaul of the policing system, greater transparency in government operations, and the establishment of mechanisms to hold public officials accountable for their actions.

A Nation’s Plea for Change

Fear and Anger Among Citizens

The fear and anger among Kenyans are palpable. Many feel that their voices are not being heard and that the government is not acting in their best interests. The demand for President Ruto’s resignation is not just about his leadership but represents a broader call for systemic change.

Impact on Daily Life

The ongoing protests and government crackdowns have significantly impacted daily life in Kenya. Businesses have been disrupted, schools closed, and public services strained. The economic consequences are also being felt, with tourism and investment being adversely affected.

What Lies Ahead for Kenya?

Potential Scenarios

The future remains uncertain. If President Ruto resigns, it could pave the way for significant political reforms and a new era of governance. However, if the government continues to resist public demands, the unrest is likely to continue, with potentially dire consequences for the nation’s stability.

Hope for Peaceful Resolution

There is hope that dialogue and negotiations will lead to a peaceful resolution. Many are calling for international mediation to help navigate the crisis and ensure that the voices of the Kenyan people are heard.


Kenya stands at a crossroads. The events of 2024 have revealed deep-seated issues within the country’s political and social fabric.

The demand for President William Ruto’s resignation is a symbol of a broader call for justice, accountability, and change.

As the world watches, the hope is that Kenya can find a way to address these challenges and move towards a more equitable and peaceful future.


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