How On-Premise Solutions Provide Fool-Proof Identification

Just in the first quarter of 2024, 30.58 million data records have been breached out of which nearly 9000 incidents were publicly disclosed. This is highly alarming concerning public sectors and other governmental bodies about their data security.
Linking this trend to third party related breaches happening are proven to be the weak spot where hackers can easily target and steal data. Imagine your firm as a victim of data breach due to a third party database and security manager.
All digital identities of your premium customers are leaked and their credentials are jeopardized. The business relationship and trust will fade away the moment you face losses and damage and the cost you will bear for retaining your customers in this case can go up to millions. How will you compensate them and recover from this situation?
Today we will learn about the importance of On-Premise Identity Solutions and how they strengthen your online digital security.
What are On-Premise Solutions?
On Premise solution or on-premise identity solution is an AI based identity verification system which offers the company a high level of control over the data and information of individuals like customers and employees in order to securely verify and authenticate them. Companies using on-premise solutions maintain the data records locally on an internal infrastructure without connecting to a cloud platform. Also, many firms having customers with data privacy concerns assure that no sensitive information is recorded after identity verification. They tend to destroy any remaining data that can be misused later.
Components of On-premise Identity Solution
Biometric Identity Verification
Biometrics offer a high level of security and uniqueness in identity verification and cannot be easily copied with few considerations. Biometric Authentication requires human identifiable features to verify that specific human being using:
- Facial Features
- Fingerprint Scanning
- Voice Recognition
- Retina or Iris Scanning
Using features like these will fortify identity verification without the need of password or key cards or security questions that are mostly hacked.
Internal Data Storage Facility
On-Premise Identity system’s most unique and stand out feature is the management of identity data through internal databases. None of the system’s components is connected to any external device or shared anywhere outside the physical infrastructure. It includes:
- Data Storage Facility having devices that are only accessible and connected once a person enters the organization premises.
- Few personnel having high-level clearances may have access to this database on their company issued devices outside the premises as well.
- All the identity profiles are securely stored using mainframes or other data storage facilities.
Machine Learning & AI
AI and Machine Learning is used to modify the system against the trending threat vectors to maintain the security level of on premise solution. AI improves the identity verification algorithms with every update and fortifies it against deepfake attacks, account takeover and other identity theft attempts.
Apart from above mentioned 3 core components of an On-premise Identity Solution, here are other important aspects in a fool-proof on premise system.
- Identity Document Verification
- API and SDK
- Regulatory Compliance Tools
Multi Factor Authentication in On-Premise Solutions
Systems that rely on single factor authentication using just one identity verification trait often face spoofing attempts. Most of the time data and security breach attempts are successful and cyber criminals steal away the targeted information from systems that use single factor authenticators.
To prevent this, Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) is used in identity solutions including On premise setups to add multiple layers of authentication where fraudsters often fail to spoof and mostly get traced by cyber crime authorities.
MFA uses a combination of Biometric IDV factors and Passwords or other mechanisms in order to make the IDV process unique and difficult to crack. In an On-premise System the use of MFA is highly recommended as it will ensure the protection of the complete system from intruders.
What is the Most Effective Way of MFA in On-Premise Solution?
Considering the effectiveness and accuracy in identification of individuals, Facial Biometric Authentication and Identity Document Verification is considered the most secure way of identity proofing.
On-Premise Identity Verification using facial recognition with proving identity through documents will allow system owners to accurately check the identities of faces of individuals.
Few Considerations in Facial Identity Verification for On-Premise Solution
One of the most important aspects in through biometric scanning is Liveness Detection which ensures that a real alive person and the actual owner of the specific digital facial identity is sitting in front of the camera and attempting to verify his or her identity. There are two types of liveness checks in facial recognition:
- Active Liveness that requires a person to perform live actions in front of the camera such as tilting head, smiling or blinking.
- Passive Liveness that is carried out in the back-end using sophisticated technologies and datasets.
Both Active and Passive Liveness checks ensure that no mask attack, morphing attempts or a deepfake attack is taking place and the true owner of digital identity is verified.
Final Words
Whenever it comes to On-Premise Solutions, the sensitivity of data protection increases as it is mostly used in cases where a single data breach can cause the whole system to crash or lose its reputation forever. So, Identity Solution Providers like Facia offer not only a liveness check speed of under one second but also ensure a zero false acceptance rate fortifying the facial recognition for businesses and data sensitive organizations. Also, its high integrability and scalability ensures Facia’s full output in both on-premise and cloud-based identity systems.