The Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints, commonly known as the “LDS Church” or the “Mormon Church,” stands as the largest and most prominent denomination within the Latter Day Saint movement.
Established in the United States by Joseph Smith, Jr. in 1830, adherents of the Latter-day Saints recognize Christ as the leader of their church and identify themselves as Christians.
However, they do not align with the Catholic, Orthodox, or Protestant traditions.
Headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah, the Church is considered the fourth-largest religious body in the United States.
It exemplifies a thriving new religious movement, marked by sustained growth attributed to active missionary endeavors.
Joseph Smith, Jr. – The Visionary Founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
The inception of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints can be traced back to April 6, 1830, when Joseph Smith, Jr. (1805 – 1844), along with five associates, officially founded the church in Fayette, New York.
At the age of fourteen, Smith declared a profound religious encounter wherein both God the Father and Jesus Christ spoke to him, instructing him to distance himself from any existing denomination.
Three years later, an angel named Moroni visited him, revealing the existence of gold plates that were buried, and Smith was entrusted with their protection.
In 1827, Smith purportedly unearthed the gold plates and commenced the arduous task of translating their inscriptions.
On March 26, 1830, the culmination of his dictation resulted in the publication of the Book of Mormon, later subtitled “Another Testament of Jesus Christ.”
Subsequently, on April 6, 1830, Smith established the inaugural Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
To escape mounting conflicts and persecution arising from his claims, Smith and his followers relocated to Kirtland, Ohio, in early 1831.
Despite the construction of the church’s first temple in Kirtland, tensions persisted, culminating in an incident where Smith was tarred, feathered, and left for dead in 1832.
Seeking refuge from hostility, Smith, and his followers migrated to Missouri in 1838, where revelations identified western Missouri as Zion.
The ensuing period in Missouri was marked by violent conflicts and legal challenges as local inhabitants viewed the Latter Day Saints with distrust and resentment.
The Mormon War erupted in 1838, with skirmishes such as the Battle of Crooked River intensifying hostilities.
In response, Missouri Governor Lilburn Boggs issued the infamous “Extermination Order” on October 27, 1838, declaring the Mormons as enemies to be “exterminated or driven from the State.”
The order remained in effect until its official rescindment in 1976.
Forced to leave Missouri in 1839, Smith and his followers settled in Nauvoo, Illinois, renaming the town.
Despite facing adversity, including the revocation of Nauvoo’s charter, Smith sought redress for the persecution through meetings with President Martin Van Buren in 1839, but to no avail.
Construction of a temple in Nauvoo commenced in 1840, symbolizing a period of relative peace.
However, tensions escalated, leading to Smith’s presidential candidacy announcement in 1844. Violent threats culminated in Smith’s incarceration in Carthage, Illinois, where he was killed by a mob on June 27, 1844.
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Brigham Young & Joseph Smith III emerging as a leader
The aftermath saw a succession crisis, with Brigham Young emerging as a leader, leading many Mormons to follow him.
The Community of Christ church, led by Joseph Smith III, also emerged. Mob violence persisted, prompting the exodus of the Latter Day Saints to Utah, establishing the foundation for the modern Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints.
What Are the Fundamental Tenets of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints?
Joseph Smith, the founder of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints, articulated, “The fundamental principles of our religion are … concerning Jesus Christ, that He died, was buried, and rose again the third day, and ascended into heaven; and all other things which pertain to our religion are only appendages to it” (Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith [2007], 49).
In addition to the above, Latter-day Saints affirm the following core beliefs:
Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world and the Son of our loving Heavenly Father.
Latter day Saints uphold the belief that God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, as the Savior to redeem all humanity from their sins (see John 3:16). T
hey perceive God as a compassionate Heavenly Father who knows each individual, listens to and answers their prayers, and exhibits compassion toward them.
Although Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are distinct beings, they, along with the Holy Ghost, are united in will, purpose, and love.
Worship of Jesus Christ as the Savior and Redeemer is central to the lives of Latter-day Saints.
They embrace His grace and mercy, striving to emulate His example by undergoing baptism (see Matthew 3:13–17), offering prayers in His holy name (see Matthew 6:9–13), partaking in the sacrament or communion (see Luke 22:19–20), performing acts of kindness (see Acts 10:38), and bearing witness of Him through both word and deed (see James 2:26).
Christ’s Atonement allows humankind to be saved from their sins and return to live with God and their families forever.
Latter-day Saints assert that God has a plan for His children to reunite with Him and become “joint-heirs with Christ” (Romans 8:17).
Within the Church, the sacrifice of Jesus Christ occupies a central role in God’s plan for human happiness. Despite inevitable mistakes and sins, Latter day Saints perceive mortal life as an opportunity for growth and learning.
By adhering to Christ’s teachings, embracing His mercy, and partaking in ordinances such as baptism, believers hold that they are cleansed from sin through Christ’s grace, paving the way to reunite with God and their families eternally.
Christ’s original Church as described in the New Testament has been restored in modern times.
Members of the Church maintain that Christ established His ancient Church on the “foundation of the apostles and prophets” (Ephesians 2:20; see also Ephesians 4:11–14), characterized by “one faith, [and] one baptism” (Ephesians 4:5).
They posit that this unifying foundation eroded gradually following the apostles’ demise. Consequently, the original authority to lead the Church was lost and required restoration (see Acts 3:21).
Presently, believers proclaim that the Lord has indeed reinstated His Church with living apostles and prophets, commencing with Joseph Smith, the founding prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Church members regard families as the fundamental unit of society.
In adherence to Christ’s teachings and commandments, those who follow Him are promised the opportunity to dwell eternally with their families in divine and everlasting relationships.
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Frequently Asked Question the Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints
Are Latter day Saints Christians?
Certainly. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints is unequivocally a Christian church, representing a restoration of the original Church of Jesus Christ as established by the Savior in the New Testament of the Bible.
Latter day Saints affirm their belief that God dispatched His Son, Jesus Christ, to rescue humanity from death and individual sins.
Jesus Christ holds a central position in the lives of Church members, who strive to emulate His example through baptism (see Matthew 3:13–17), prayer in His holy name (see Matthew 6:9–13), participation in the sacrament (see Luke 22:19–20), acts of kindness to others (see Acts 10:38), and bearing witness of Him through both word and deed (see James 2:26).
According to their faith, the exclusive pathway to salvation is through faith in Jesus Christ.
What do Latter day Saints believe about God?
In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints, God is commonly referred to as our Heavenly Father, recognizing Him as the Father of all human spirits created in His image (see Genesis 1:27).
This term is deemed fitting for a kind, just, all-wise, and all-powerful God.
The Godhead, or Trinity, for Church members comprises God the Father, His Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost. Latter-day Saints perceive God as embodied, albeit possessing a perfect and glorified form.
Do Latter Day Saints believe in the Trinity?
Latter-day Saints typically employ the term “Godhead” to denote the Trinity. Their first article of faith asserts, “We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.”
While maintaining that God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost are distinct personages, they emphasize unity in will and purpose, diverging from the traditional notion of the Holy Trinity as a literal sameness of being or substance.
What is the Latter day Saint view of the purpose of life?
For Latter-day Saints, mortal existence unfolds within the broader scope of a grand historical narrative—from a pre-earth life where all human spirits dwelled with Heavenly Father to a future existence in His presence marked by continual growth, learning, and improvement.
Earthly life is perceived as a temporary state for individuals to undergo trials and tests, gaining experiences unattainable elsewhere.
Anticipating human fallibility, God provided a Savior, Jesus Christ, to shoulder the sins of the world. Church members view physical death not as an end but as the inception of the next phase in God’s plan for His children.
Do Latter day Saints believe in the Bible?
Affirmative. The Church venerates the Bible as the divine word of God, a sacred scripture. Latter-day Saints cherish its teachings, engaging in lifelong study of its wisdom.
During worship services, the Bible is contemplated and discussed, with members encouraged to include it in their family and personal daily scripture study.
While recognizing the Bible as a crucial text, additional scriptural books, such as the Book of Mormon, complement and amplify God’s teachings through supplementary witnesses and personal accounts of encounters with Jesus Christ.
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What is the Book of Mormon?
Beyond the Old and New Testaments of the Bible, the Book of Mormon, named after an ancient prophet, serves as another testament of Jesus Christ.
It contains writings of prophets, offering an account of God’s interactions with ancient peoples on the American continent.
The Book of Mormon is esteemed alongside the Bible’s Old and New Testaments as holy scripture by Latter-day Saints.
What is a temple?
Temples, considered the house of the Lord, were integral in biblical times (see 2 Chronicles 2:1–5). Latter-day Saint temples, regarded similarly as houses of the Lord, hold sacred significance for Church members.
In temples, Latter-day Saints make covenants with God to lead virtuous lives and participate in ordinances on behalf of deceased ancestors.
Marriage ceremonies, promising eternal life with families, are also conducted in these temples. Family, of paramount importance to Church members, is central to their temple worship.
Do Latter day Saints believe in modern-day prophets?
Absolutely. The Church today is led by apostles, mirroring the organizational structure of Jesus’ biblical Church. The First Presidency, consisting of the Church president and two counselors, along with the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, serves as the governing body responsible for leading the Church globally.
These apostles, acknowledged by Church members in a prophetic role akin to biblical apostles, bear special witness of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Do Latter day Saints believe that the apostles receive revelations from God?
Certainly. When Latter day Saints engage in communication with God, they refer to it as prayer. The response they receive through the influence of the Holy Spirit is termed revelation.
In its broader sense, revelation encompasses divine guidance and inspiration—a communication of truth and knowledge from God to His earthly children, tailored to their language and comprehension.
It involves uncovering something previously unknown.
The Bible showcases various forms of revelation, spanning from dramatic visions to gentle feelings—ranging from the “burning bush” to the “still, small voice.”
Latter-day Saints hold that divine guidance typically manifests quietly, conveyed through impressions, thoughts, and feelings carried by the Spirit of God.
More often than not, revelation unfolds as an ongoing, prayerful dialogue with God. When faced with a problem, individuals study its dimensions and pose questions to God.
With sufficient faith, God guides them to answers, whether partial or complete. While ultimately a spiritual experience, revelation also demands careful thought.
God does not simply provide information but expects individuals to discern through prayerful exploration and sound reasoning.
The First Presidency (comprising the president or prophet of the Church and his two counselors) and members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles receive inspiration to guide the entire Church.
Individuals also receive personal inspiration regarding how to navigate their lives and serve others.
Do Latter day Saint women lead in the Church?
Absolutely. All women are considered daughters of loving Heavenly Parents, with equality between women and men in the eyes of God.
The Bible emphasizes this equality, stating, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:28).
In familial settings, a wife and husband form an equal partnership in leading and nurturing a family.
Since the inception of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints, women have played an integral role in the Church’s work.
While worthy men hold the priesthood, worthy women serve as leaders, counselors, missionaries, teachers, and in various other capacities.
They regularly preach from the pulpit, lead congregational prayers in worship services, serve both within the Church and in their local communities, and contribute to the world as leaders in various professions.
The crucial and unique role of women in raising children is considered a significant responsibility and a special privilege of equal importance to priesthood responsibilities.
Do Latter day Saints believe they can become “gods”?
Yes, Latter-day Saints believe that God desires them to become like Him. However, this belief is often misconstrued.
The core idea aligns with biblical teachings, such as Romans 8:16–17: “The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: and if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ;
if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.” By following Christ’s teachings, Latter-day Saints believe that all individuals can become “partakers of the divine nature” (2 Peter 1:4).
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Do some Latter day Saints wear temple garments?
Yes, faithful adult members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints wear temple garments.
These garments, resembling simple white underclothing with two pieces—a top piece similar to a T-shirt and a bottom piece akin to shorts—are worn underneath regular clothing.
Comparable to the Jewish tallit katan (prayer shawl), these garments serve as a personal reminder of covenants made with God to lead virtuous, honorable, and Christlike lives.
The act of wearing temple garments is an external expression of an internal commitment to follow the Savior.
References to the wearing of special garments are found in biblical scripture. In the Old Testament, the Israelites are specifically instructed to transform their garments into personal reminders of their covenants with God (see Numbers 15:37–41).
Religious clothing has historically been a significant aspect of integrating worship with daily living, a practice resonating with Latter-day Saints today.
Due to the sacred and personal nature of temple garments, the Church encourages media to approach the subject with respect, treating them as they would religious vestments of other faiths, as ridiculing or making light of sacred clothing is highly offensive to Latter-day Saints.
Do Latter day Saints practice polygamy?
No, not a single member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints practices polygamy. The Church strictly prohibits the practice, with monogamy being the standard for marriage, as indicated in the Book of Mormon (see Jacob 2:27).
Although polygamy was briefly practiced by some early members of the Church, it was officially discontinued in 1890. Any contemporary individuals practicing polygamy have no affiliation with the Church.
What is the position of the Church regarding race relations?
The Church unequivocally asserts that the gospel of Jesus Christ is for everyone, promoting inclusivity. The Book of Mormon explicitly states, “Black and white, bond and free, male and female; … all are alike unto God” (2 Nephi 26:33).
All races have been welcomed and baptized into the Church since its inception. While the historical record shows a period when the Church did not ordain male members of African descent, this restriction was lifted in 1978.
Since then, the Church has actively sought to extend the priesthood to all worthy male members worldwide.
The Church condemns racism in all its forms, both within and outside the Church. President Gordon B. Hinckley, in 2006, declared that “no man who makes disparaging remarks concerning those of another race can consider himself a true disciple of Christ.
Nor can he consider himself to be in harmony with the teachings of the Church of Christ.” The Church emphasizes that every individual is a child of a loving Heavenly Father, deserving recognition and kindness.
Why do you “baptize for the dead”?
The practice of baptizing for the dead is rooted in the teachings of Jesus Christ, who emphasized the necessity of being born of water and the Spirit for entry into the kingdom of God (John 3:5).
For those who have passed away without the opportunity for baptism, proxy baptism is considered a voluntary offering.
According to Church doctrine, a departed soul in the afterlife retains the freedom to either accept or reject such a baptism—the offering is given freely and must be received freely. The ordinance does