Beliefs of Sunni Muslims

The beliefs of Sunni Muslims are quite rigid and conventional. In fact, the word Ahl al-Sunnah, which means “People of the Tradition” in Arabic, is the source of their own name.
There is extremely little opportunity for flexibility in their rigorous adherence to what they consider to be Muhammad’s Sunnah or sayings, and they hold that the Quran is the authentic word of God.
Sunnis also follow Sharia, which is Islamic law drawn from the Qur’an and the works of Islamic scholars and serves as a moral code for Muslims. Sharia law transgressions can have fatal repercussions.
Beliefs of Sunni Muslims
Sunnis hold different beliefs from some other denominations in that they do not believe the founder of the faith must be a blood relative of Muhammad.
This has led to some conflict, particularly with the Shias, who think the leadership line originates with Muhammad and continues through his cousin, Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib, who was also his son-in-law.
The beliefs of Sunni Muslims contend that Muhammad intended for the community to have this authority or power to select and that the head of the Islamic religion should be chosen and elected by the people.
They also claim that the position is achieved by political and communal consensus.
Abu Bakr as-Siddiq, a companion of the Prophet Muhammad, was selected as the first caliph of Islam following his death.
Additionally, the beliefs of Sunni Muslims hold that the Quran is the source of all Islamic doctrine and that whatever shape Islam takes, it must reflect the consensus of the vast majority of people, not just a small minority.
The Hadith, which Sunnis consider to be a collection of Muhammad’s sayings, contains six doctrines or concepts. Here are some of them:
Also Read: Who is the Prophet Muhammad
The six beliefs of Sunni’s
Belief in one God (Tawhid) – This refers to complete trust in God’s unity. Allah is not the name of any other creature; it is only the Arabic term for God.
Muslims hold that there is no comparison to Allah. It’s vital to notice that the Arabic word for Allah does not include a plural, demonstrating the belief in the unity of God.
Malaikah (belief in angels): The beliefs of Sunni Muslims hold that due to God’s majesty, he is unable to speak with people personally. Instead, God spoke with his prophets through the malaikah, or angels, who were his first creation and were obedient to him at all times.
Belief in sacred texts (kutub) – The beliefs of Sunni Muslims appreciate their sacred texts. The Qur’an, which is the exact, undamaged word of God given to the Prophet Muhammad, is a case in point.
Belief in the prophets (nubuwwah): It is thought that Allah spoke to the prophets via the angels. The prophets should be revered but never worshipped, according to Muslims.
All Muslims hold the view that this life is an experiment and that there will be a Day of Judgment and an afterlife (Akhirah). They will be judged by God and sent to either Paradise or Hell once they pass away.
Predestination (Al-Qadr) The beliefs of Sunni Muslims holds that everything in the cosmos is guided by a divine design, highlighting the significance of God’s will. Muslims hold that all that occurs is predetermined by Allah, who is said to have planned it all (Qur’an 13:42).
Also Read: The Difference between Sunni and Shai Muslims
Sunnis’ Customs
Other branches of Islam, such as the Shia and the Sufis, and Sunni Islam have similar beliefs. They all obey the Quran, which they see as the holy book, and uphold the Five Pillars of Islam, which are:
Muhammad is the Messenger of Deity, and there is no other god except God.
Muslims pray five times daily, each time with their faces turned toward Mecca (at dawn, noon, mid-afternoon, sunset, and after dark)
Islamic law mandates that Muslims give a set percentage of their income to help out their neighbors.
All healthy adult Muslims are supposed to refrain from eating and drinking during Ramadan, which is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar.
If at all feasible, make a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in your life.