Facts on Pyramids of Egypt

There are so many mysteries and facts on Pyramids of Egypt. The pyramids are located in ancient Egypt, and were burial sites for dead pharaohs.
Unfortunately, many people believe that’s all they know about them.
These pyramids are a masterpiece, but some of their facts may sound too good to be true. Here are ten of the most interesting truths about the pyramids of Egypt.
Also Read: How the Pyramids of Egypt were Built
Facts on Pyramids of Egypt: It is estimated that there are more than 100 pyramids in Egypt
One of the amazing facts on Pyramids of Egypt is that there are more than 130 of them.
In addition to this, more experts believe they’ll find even more pyramids in the coming years. It’s debated what led to the construction of many pyramids, but it’s clear they were very important in Egyptian culture.
The pyramids were not built by slaves
Contrary to popular belief, the builders of the pyramids weren’t slaves. Current research indicates they were paid well and fed well.
In addition, it seems likely that the workforce, as well as food and other essentials for the job, came from across Egypt.
Workers in Egypt had an honored role, too; after all, it was considered to be a prestigious job. Many workers were given the honor of being buried near the sacred pyramids.
Aligning the pyramids with the stars is a popular theory
The Egyptians found north-south alignment with two constellations – the Big Dipper and the Little Dipper.
The accuracy is within 0.05°, and this has been proven to be quite an accurate way of finding north-south.
It’s vital to note that because stars are constantly moving in regards to the Earth, their alignment changes over time, too.
Also Read: Inside Pyramids of Khufu
It’s always a debate about whether there is any truth to the idea that there are secret doors inside of pyramids
One of the facts on Pyramids of Egypt is that the Great Pyramid contains three main chambers: the Queen’s Chamber, Grand Gallery and King’s Chamber.
However, it wasn’t until recently that Egyptologists found two tunnels that extend from the north and south walls of the Queen’s Chamber, and stop right in front of two stone doors with copper handles on them.
These doors were recently discovered by a robot. Some believe they could lead to a secret chamber containing treasure.
All pyramids were pointed
The pyramids at Giza are famous, but there are many other interesting ones in Egypt as well. For example, the stepped pyramids.
One of the first Egyptian pyramids, Saqqara was built around 4,700 years ago and appears to have been constructed as the tomb of the Egyptian king Djoser. The pyramid has stepped sides and a flat top.
Djoser’s pyramid is believed to have started off as a mastaba, but something strange happened along the way.
Instead of becoming a pile of small stones over time, it became a step pyramid that stands at 197 feet tall.
Pyramids have been a part of human culture for a long time.
Pyramids built as step structures to honor the Pharaohs were later worshiped as gods themselves.
The step pyramid architect was later worshipped as a God
Imhotep was an ancient architect who lived in the time before recorded history.
He seemed to have been skilled in a variety of areas, including medicine, astronomy, and mysticism – skills that are difficult to prove.
Imhotep was an Egyptian minister of Djoser, as well as the probable architect of Djoser’s step pyramid. He was later worshipped as a god of medicine.
Facts on Pyramids of Egypt: The pyramids took about two Decades to build
Creating a pyramid with the scale and size of the Great Pyramid of Giza is no small feat ( understatement of the century). But how long did it take for them to build it?
One of the facts on Pyramids of Egypt say the Great Pyramid of Giza was built in just 23 years. To put that into perspective, it took Notre Dame 200 years to complete.
Many people wonder what’s inside the pyramids, but we’ll never know
Although we have learned a lot about these incredible ancient structures, they still hold many secrets.
Recent scientific experiments and new technology have revealed an important secret within the Great Pyramid of Giza and it’s going to change history as we know it!
The chamber is around 30 meters long and didn’t look like it was touched by tomb raiders. This means that archaeologists won’t know what’s inside until they explore it.
The pyramids of Giza are true treasures of the ancient world, representing the pinnacle of architectural accomplishment.
Facts on Pyramids of Egypt: The Sphinx is protecting the pyramids
In Ancient Egypt, the Sphinx was a statue depicting a lion’s body and a human head.
The most famous example is the Great Sphinx at Giza, which measures 73 meters in length, six meters in width, and 20 meters in height.
It has a base of 200 feet and paws with a surface area of 9000 square feet each. Its eyes are modeled after the King Thutmose and Queen Hatshepsut.
Also Read: The Great Sphinx Giza, Egypt
There’s a country that has twice the number of Egyptian pyramids.
You might not believe me, but before you disagree, take a trip to Nubia in Sudan.
Nubia was once a part of Ancient Egypt and the lower-quality pyramids they built were influenced by the Pyramids of Giza.
They look exactly like Egyptian pyramids, just smaller in size. Most of them were built to accommodate the kings and queens who ruled back then.
Facts on Pyramids of Egypt: They Were Built To Escort Pharaohs Into The Afterlife
The pyramids were burial tombs for pharaohs and their families, but they also served a spiritual purpose. Ancient Egyptians had many beliefs centered around the afterlife and spiritual predestination.
The ancient Egyptians believed that in death, the Pharaoh would be of godly proportions.
To protect the dead pharaohs during their transition to the other life, Egyptians built sphinxes at the entrances of pyramids.
Because these beliefs led to the construction of these highly treasured structures, the Egyptians placed their faith in them.
Facts on Pyramids of Egypt: The Curse Of The Pharaohs guarded the Pyramids
The Sphinx was built to protect the dead pharaohs from spiritual disturbance as they traveled to become gods.
One of the facts on Pyramids of Egypt is the curse of the Pharaoh, which is said to have offered protection to the pyramids, and everything in it, including pharaoh’s family and belongings.
This explains why many archeologists and researchers who have tried to unveil the mysteries of the pyramids have been stricken with bad luck and even death.
Some experts say that the illnesses are caused by bacteria, but the Egyptians know for sure that there is more at work than meets the eye.
Facts on Pyramids of Egypt: It Is The Last Wonder Of The Ancient World
The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World is a list of seven remarkable structures that date back as far as or earlier than the first century BCE.
These wonders, some of which are now lost to time, were found across the Mediterranean.
One of this wonder is the Great Pyramid of Giza, which is the only one remaining out of those that were originally on the list.
The others include The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, The Colossus of Rhodes, Temple of Artemis, Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, Lighthouse of Alexandria and Statue of Zeus at Olympia.
Also: The 7 Wonders of the World Ancient
Djoser was the first Egyptian pharaoh to be buried in a pyramid
Before the age of pyramids, ordinary Egyptians buried their dead in pit graves with objects that were believed to help them transition into gods in the afterlife.
For example, the first tomb was a mastaba—a flat-roofed structure with inward sloping sides. Mastabas were built with mud bricks or stone. In 27th century BC, Architect Imhotep designed Djoser’s pyramid-shaped tomb at Saqqara.
Facts on Pyramids of Egypt: Bricks That Weighed More Than An Elephant
The mystery of how the pyramids were constructed continues and remain a fascinating facts on Pyramids of Egypt.
The pyramid blocks are said to have been made from stones that weighed 50 tons each. However, the builders only had rudimentary tools to work with.
They didn’t even have a wheelbarrow or complicated machinery like we have now; it seems impossible that they could’ve built these structures.
But they did continue building them for nearly 2 millennia, and they needed over 100000 skilled workers to get them done.
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The meaning behind the pyramids
Menkaure’s Pyramid is 200 years older than king Unas’ at Saqqara. In inscriptions and images on the walls of his burial chamber, the Pyramid Texts were found: magic spells in hieroglyph form written to help Unas’ spirit leave its body and embark upon a journey to the afterlife.
The Unas Pyramid texts are the oldest religious texts in the world, and they give scholars a great understanding of pharaohs and their many roles throughout Egypt.
In addition to that, the texts also mention Osiris for the first time as the god of the underworld.